The statistics regarding the applications to the Cooperation Projects for 2024 have been announced regarding the Creative Europe Programme.
According to the results, Greece is the third country in partner applications and fifth country in coordinator applications, figures that represent the wide dissemination of the Creative Europe Programme/Culture in the Greek cultural and creative sector.
Specifically, at the application stage for the calls for Cooperation Projects in 2024, a total of 963 coordinator applications were submitted. The first country in applications is Italy with 152, followed by Spain with 78 applications, Germany and France with 61 and 54 applications, respectively, and immediately after, in fifth place, comes Greece with 49 applications. In total, 5.1% of the total applications from coordinators have been submitted by cultural and creative organizations based in Greece. This is one of the highest percentages, pan-European.
As for the partners participating in submitted applications for 2024, they amount to 3,805. The first country – historically – is Italy, with 394 applications (10.34% of the total), the second country is Spain with 304 applications and the third country is Greece with 230 applications! This is a very important achievement for the Greek cultural and creative sector, but also for the Creative Europe Greece Office that contributes to this effort. This highlights the rising dynamism of the cultural sector of our country, as Greece’s participation even exceeds that of large countries such as Germany and France (with 189 and 196 respectively). The 230 applications correspond to 6.04% of the total applications.
In which sectors were the applications submitted
The data on the sectors in which the applications were submitted are also interesting. The music sector was selected with 229 applications, followed by cultural heritage with 212 applications and Art in Public Space with 192.