“Creative Europe Desk” Greece
For the “Culture” sub-programme:
Ministry of Culture and Sports
Directorate of International Relations and European Union
Department of European Union
1, Nikitara st.,
GR-106 78 Athens
Tel.: (0030) 210-3313848, 210-3810348, 210-3230894
Fax: (0030) 210-3310796
E-mail: ced.greece@culture.gr
Facebook page: Creative Europe Desk Greece
For the “MEDIA” sub-programme:
Greek Film Center
Mrs Anna Kassimati (responsible for European programmes)
Chatzopoulou 9, Psychico,
Athens 115 24
Athens 115 24
Tel.: (0030) 210 3678512
E-mail: anna.kasimati@gfc.gr,
Facebook page: Creative Europe Media Desk Greece