Media Sub-Programme

The MEDIA sub-programme supports the ability of the EU’s film and audiovisual industries to develop, distribute and promote their work across all platforms. Funding is available in a number of areas including: strengthening innovation and competitiveness testing audience development strategies; training or professional development; developing projects for international audiences; and cross-border co-productions.

Finally, the sub-programme helps increase the impact of audiovisual projects by supporting marketing, distribution, branding, exhibitions and fi lm literacy initiatives.

In Greece the contact point which supports the audiovisual sector is the Greek Film Center:

“Facebook page”: / ƒ /

Fin out more:


  1. Support to Training
  2. Support for the Development of Single Projects
  3. Support of Development of Slate Funding
  4. Support to the Development of European Video Games
  5. Support to Television Programming of Audiovisual European Works
  6. Support to co-production funds
  7. Support to Market access
  8. Support for the Distribution of non-national films – The Cinema Automatic Scheme
  9. Support for the Distribution of non-national films – The Cinema Selective Scheme
  10. Support to the international Sales Agents of European Cinematographic films
  11. Cinema Networks
  12. Support to Festivals
  13. Audience Development
  14. Support for Online Distribution