Today, the Commission has welcomed the political agreement reached between the European Parliament and EU Member States on the new Creative Europe programme (2021‑2027). Trilogue negotiations have now concluded, pending the final approval of the legal texts by the European Parliament and the Council.
The Creative Europe programme is the flagship instrument in support of the cultural and creative sectors – and the only one designed by the EU to support them specifically.
With a dedicated budget of more than €2.4 billion, made up of €1.8 billion in current prices and an additional top-up of €0.6 billion in 2018 prices, the new programme will continue to promote cultural and linguistic diversity, heritage and competitiveness, and will allow cultural and creative organisations and professionals to co-create and cooperate across borders and to reach wider audiences, tackling current societal questions and supporting emerging artists. The MEDIA strand will keep supporting projects with a European dimension and an international one; as well as nurturing talent and supporting the use of new technologies to strengthen the competitiveness of the sector.
For the first time, the news media sector will be supported throughout different actions promoting media literacy, pluralism and media freedom under the cross-sectoral strand.
Implementation of the new programme is planned for early 2021. The new programme will run until 2027.
For more information, please click HERE.