Looking for a partner for the call “Cooperation of Small Music Venues” ? #MusicMovesEurope

Posted on Posted in News - Releases, Χωρίς κατηγορία

Live DMA is a European network (co-funded by Creative Europe) gathering over 3000 music venues and clubs around Europe. If you are interested to apply and still looking for partners, send an email to « contact@live-dma.eu » with the type and name of your organisation (music venue, public authority, other…), city/location, and describe briefly which topics you’d like to explore.

Every week, Live DMA will send an updated list of potential partners to all the ones who contacted them.

Applications Deadline: 15th November 2019
Grants from 30 000€ to 70 000€

More info: https://bit.ly/2kDOHSI



