The selection results of the second call of the i-Portunus programme, regarding the mobility for artists and /or culture professionals, are out.
In more details, you can access the results, by clicking in i-Portunus website, HERE.
In total, three Greek participations have been confirmed. Also, three participations from other countries have Greece as their destination.
The second i-Portunus Call results in a financial mobility support for 131 artists and / or culture professionals for the amount of 249.900,00 euros.
The financial support for this second Call covers 27 % of Visual Arts projects and 73 % of Performing Arts projects from emerging (53 %) and established (47 %) artists and / or culture professionals of which 62 % are women, 37 % are men and 1 % gender fluid. There are 65 individuals who applied through a group application (49,6 %) and 66 persons who submitted an individual application (50,4 %) for a total of 88 selected projects. 68 % of the selected applicants applied for the first time and for 32 % of the selected applicants this was a second and successful try.
The most popular destination countries for the mobility projects are
France (6,6 %), Germany (6,6 %), Czech Republic (5,8 %), Slovenia (5,1 %) and Spain (5,1 %). Destination countries which are not in demand for this second Call are Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Luxemburg, Moldova, Montenegro and Slovakia.
The statistic report on the final selection of the first i-Portunus Call shows that 53,4 % of the selected applicants applied for the category 15 – 29 days, 26,1 % for the category 30 – 59 days and 20,5 % for the category 60 – 85 days.