BIG BANG – An Adventurous Music Project for Children is a unique project run by 12 leading European Arts organisations * whose aim is to stimulate the creation and enhance the quality of non-commercial music productions for young audiences.
Their innovating approach is translated in:
– The BIG BANG NETWORK stimulates the exchange of information and knowledge about music projects for children
– The BIG BANG FESTIVAL organizes 44 festivals for children in 11 European cities in 8 European countries, inviting artists from all over Europe and thereby influencing the development, the creation and the programming of music performance in each country
– The BIG BANG SEMINARS connects professionals, artists, students and cultural workers to share their expertise and experience and to learn how to face new challenges
– The BIG BANG PRODUCTIONS stimulates the creation of new and innovative music performances for children, enabling a fantastic mobility of artists and their musical heritage.
To deepen and strengthen their European mission the Partners of the BIG BANG project will:
– Create a cross boarder TRAINING scheme for artists in the field of young audiences
– Document the work with a PUBLICATION and a DOCUMENTARY to share experiences, expertise and results outside the network
– Implement AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES adapted to social challenges to widen up our audience
– Create a European DATABASE to share information on available projects for touring
– Connect and empower young AMBASSADORS, a children community involved in our festivals
– Develop tv formats to broadcast their projects on European channels.
*Centro cultural de Bélem (PT) – Children’s Cultural Centre The Ark (IE) – Instituto de la Cultura y de las Artes de Sevilla
(ES) – Onassis Cultural Center (GR) – Opéra de Lille (FR) – Bozar (BE) Opéra de Rouen (FR) – Espoo City Theatre (FIN)
– Wilminktheater (NL) – Eesti Kontsert (ES) – MotorMusic (BE) – Zonzo Compagnie (BE)(project coordinator)